A plank and log bench rests quietly under the rustling leaves of the small oak in my front yard.
Huge flakes fall quietly over the hills of our pasture.
Snow blanketing the cedar boughs.
Around the bend and down the road, snow covers the way.
Under my red bud, the feeder hangs, inviting cardinals, snowbirds, woodpeckers, jays, and even the sparrows to a meal of sunflower seeds.
Tony, looks up at my feathered friends, just before I shoo him into the house, where he sits in the window and longs for just a chance to get one of my birds. Bad Cat!
My garden is quite behind the gate. My hoe is still, leaning against the fence.
Winter calves in their shaggy coats to keep them warm against the snow.
Cattle at the gate waiting for Larry to start the tractor and bring them a new bale of hay.
Our old barn.
Waiting for summer, our Adirondack chairs sit empty. No glass of ice-tea sits on their arms, just a covering of white.